Thrust only on two motors (solved, wrong motor order)

V4.4.0-dev (ccd700a9), FlywooF745, Cinewoop 2.5’'.

With increase throttle RCIN.C3 only two motors (C1, C2) increase thrust and after some time copter flip over. Thrust on C3, C4 do not appear with any tuning/param execution. What am I doing wrong?

Did you use Mission Planners Motor test to confirm the correct Motor Order and direction? This is almost always the reason a new build flips on take off.

Note the order it’s run in A-D


Yes of course. I’m use this scheme:

and mapvproxy motortest for testing motors with checking CW/CCW.

Solved. A/B/C/D in MissionComtrol are the same 1/2/3/4 in mavproxy motortest but NOT the same numbers on motor in picture.

Right. As I said, almost always the problem is motor order. 95% that 5% wrong Frame Type or Class.

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