I have set up failsafe and while bench testing I noticed that when I turn the transmitter back on, everything works OK, but throttle does not want to go back to idle. It stays at Failsafe throttle setting. This would not allow me to land…
I have tried switching modes (which are correctly indicated in MP), both short and long failsafe display the correct behavior in MP.
that sounds very weird. a log file would be good … probably a tlog would be best for this particular investigation.
i think the thing to do is to try and figure out if the problem is:
1. the receiver is not returning the throttle to idel
2. the apm is somehow not seeing the throttle return to idle
3. it’s a mission planner display issue
My guess is that it’s #1 although that seems very strange. You could try and check by attaching a servo to the receiver assuming of course that it’s a receiver with outputs for each channel (i.e. not ppmsum).