Throttle Runaway?

I ran a static test of my quad in my basement - I used ceramic tiles laid across the landing skids to secure it to the ground while throttling it up with propellers attached. I had the flight mode set to Stabilize.

After arming the aircraft, I gently increased the throttle and the motors responded. But at some point, as I increased further, the motors suddenly spun up to a much higher level than I commanded, and they would not respond when I moved the stick to idle. I had to throw the arm/disarm switch in order to shut the motors down.

Has anyone experienced this sort of behavior? I’m afraid to take it out to the field for a test flight out of fear that it may suddenly go full throttle, and I won’t be able to control it without disarming it in flight.

Stabalize is a closed loop control loop.

By using the tiles you opened the control loop, no wonder it went crazy.

Just go outside and test it, you will be fine.

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Many have. This misunderstanding has been producing posts for years. It rivals wrong motor order and direction posts.


Okay, when the weather improves and I’m feeling confident, I will take it out for a test flight. Thanks!