I would like to use GPS, but it is not loaded in Mission Planner and shows GPS:No GPS.
The FC I am using is a Navio2 and I would like to use the NEO-M8N which has GPS from the beginning.
The settings I believe to be relevant are shown in the figure below.
In u-center, the GPS appeared to be loaded.
I would appreciate as detailed an explanation as possible as I am a newbie when it comes to drones.
Thank you in advance.
You have to delete all GPS serial ports except for the correct one, i.e. you have to leave SErial 4 GPS if it is connected to serial port 4, and change ports 3 and 5 to something else.
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I tried as you said with the non-essential serial ports set to None. But could not do it successfully.
Since I am referring to this site, “-C” is Serial1 and Baud rate is set as 57600.
I believe the protocol for Serial1 is MAVLink2 or GPS, but I could not get either of them to work.
Also, when I set the settings as shown in the image below, the message “SERIAL1 : If connecting a Mavlink sensor, consider setting ‘Do not forward Mavlink to/from’” appears. Is this related?
Thank you for your very accurate advice!
My arducopter was version 4.5.7 as you mentioned.
I installed arducopter 4.6.0-beta3 and set it up the same way and it recognized the GPS.
Thank you so much for your help!