I think i’m not inelligent enough
… i try to build my first boat with ardurover. it should be simple so far - one brushed motor with a bidirectional ESC connected at servo output 3 and one servo for steering at servo output 1. servo output 1 is set to “ground steering” which works wonderfull but the channel 3, which is set to “throttle” doesn’t seems to bring out any signal. When i change the option to “RC3in” the bar moves but there are no reactions at the motorside! The combination of ESC and brushed motor seems to be correct cause when i’m testing it with my servo tester it works fine between 500us and 2500us, where at est. 1500us the direction changes.
all these settings are set as discribed in the documentation, i think. I hope someone can give me a hint for what i’m doing wrong!
Thank you!
p.s.: oh sorry i use an old pixhawk clone 2.4.8
Just on your description this is a normal behavior if your FC is not armed.
But without having any log.bin file or param file it is only a guess
Thanks for your answer … meanwhlie it works so far but i dont know excactly why! i think it was the calibration / programming of the Motor Driver. Once i have take out the servocable from The Driver and put it in again, the drive starts to beep 3 times and then it works! But it is’nt very responsive - perhaps the reason is this china Thing of Driver, where no ducumentation was in and i dont know how i programm this ESC. is it right to use the “RC3in” option instead of the “Throttle” option against all the documentiation <,for ardurover, I’ve found?
If you want to use the functionality of the FC so other modes as pure manual you need the default setting throttle. In this case the FC can handle the throttle. With setting RCinX you bypass the control authority of the FC.
wow thanks for the info … but when change the option to “Throttle” the motor begins to spin and no control from my radio is possible - should i don’ have the control imanual mode? the green bar at the servoscreen doesnt move and no idea whats wrong cause in RC3in Mode the throttle stick can mobve it!
Again, without knowing your parameter settings i can only guess.
Probably your settings on throttle channelare wrong. How are your settings for
rc3_trim 1461; servo3_trim 1500; servo3_function 70
So if the motor is spinning the servo3 output must be different from 1500pwm or the ESC is not correct calibrated to the zero thrust on 1500pwm.
So please show a log.bin file with LOG_DISARMED set to 1
wow crazy … with all your hints i hit the goal - i have calibrate the ESC when i switch the powerbutton without signal from the FC and then i put in the servocable while the throttlestick stands at the middle position (Hint from me: It won’t work when the Safety-Button is not set!). Now this works absolutly fine! Then i put the Servo3_function to “Throttle” (70) and AFTER ARMING !!!the motor responds to the radiosignal!
Great - thank you so much!
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