The Cube's Power Brick PCB Schematics

Hey everyone, I’m a member of my university’s UAS team and we’re trying to make our own alternative of the Power Brick Mini for a competition. Does anyone have the schematics for it? We’re gonna use it as an example to develop our own Power Brick. I have searched all over the internet but I wasn’t able to find anything. Thanks in advance to everyone.

Google ”pixhawk power module” and you will find something. They are very simple boards.

There is a schematic for an older version of it, I couldn’t find anything for the current generation. I even tried searching in chinese.

Get some reliable and adjustable, non isolated 3A dc dc converter blocks (TI, Murata etc…), from a reliable source (Farnell, Digikey, Mouser…) and set them to 5.3 volts… and you are done.

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Alright, thanks for the help. Have a nice day!