Test flight 3 Nov 2024 bin file

Dave, I am trying to get this .bin file to you in a new post. im just having trouble finding where we left off last time i started a new post. I cant wrap my head around this forum stuff. and what your asking me, i have Norton Help Desk Tech rep on line as we speak trying to convert .bin (binary file) to a link in the cloud for you to analyze…Frank N. Stein Toilet bowling flight

You don’t want to convert anything but I have the .bin file in the link so you must have figured it out.

finally. we are scared to do auto tune due to the Toilet Bowling effect when using Rudder control.
your help is greatly appreciated. hope you can see the issue in the latest .bin file…


We can use this log to run Magfit. Replace the values in the parameters, from the Full Parameter list, with these and write them. Save your existing parameter file before doing so.
Then make another flight and let’s see if the EKF is switching compass’s as it did in the log you posted.

Compass magfit

Dave, you mean make note of just these parameters that you recommend changing ? Or all parameters? Just want to make it clear…

Save the parameter file before making the changes. From the Full Parameter List there is a “Save To File” button on the right side. It’s good practice to save these files somewhere before significant changes are made for back-up.