Hello, I am thinking of buying the simplertk starter kit xlr(https://www.ardusimple.com/product/simplertk2b-starter-kit-xlr/).
I would use as base/rover configuration, with the base connected to a notebook with mission planner. My question is, if I have the rover with telemetry, and the base with telemetry and connected to a notebook, do I need another pair of telemetry to send/receive information to the drone?
No, the RTCM corrections and telemetry can be run over a single telemetry link
Even if the telemetry module is connected to the gps module?
I mean, the telemetry is connected to the gps module, and then the gps module is connected to the pixhawk. Same thing with the base, the telemetry is connected to the gps module, then goes through the notebook. Is still can ran over a single telemetry link @amilcarlucas?
No, nope. The telemetry needs to be connected to the flight controller; and the flight controller is connected to the GPS. It works like that for all RTK setups. This way you do not need to have a second pair of telemetry modules.
And on the basestation the GPS is connected to the PC (mission planner or mavproxy) and the PC is connected to the telemetry.
This is documented, just read the ardupilot wiki