I am a novice with this system, so please forgive any questions that might be obvious…
I am trying to query Pixhawk telemetry data from my Raspberry Pi Model B using the instructions on this page: dev.ardupilot.com/wiki/companion … a-mavlink/
I have gotten the link up and running with MAVProxy as instructed, but I am not sure where to go from here. What I am trying to do is have a python script running on my Raspberry Pi that is able to query the state of the vehicle (compass heading), and save it to a file on the Raspberry Pi. I know the Pixhawk can log data, but I am hoping to get the data over to the python script on the RPI so that I can get it time stamped and correlated with the other data that my RPI script is collect from peripherals.
I am still trying to understand MAVProxy, but it seems that I can’t run DroneKit-python commands in scripts on the RPI unless they are run from a script launched within MAVProxy. Is this correct?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.