Tearing hair out: IRIS will not arm, APM will not connect

First-ever IRIS flight was a couple months ago, and while I remember having some issues getting it to arm, eventually it did.

Today, zero. Will not arm (2 quick yellow flashes, repeating). Controller shows locked GPS and 8 satellites, so it’s not that.

Tried APM, both direct connection to the IRIS and the antenna. It won’t connect via either.

HELP!!! This is driving me insane.

If the HDOP is too high it will not arm if your geo fence is on. Post the log.

Not sure what HDOP is or how to check/modify it. Again, I cannot connect via APM. If there’s a log, I have no idea where to find it.


[quote=“justrick”]First-ever IRIS flight was a couple months ago, and while I remember having some issues getting it to arm, eventually it did.

Today, zero. Will not arm (2 quick yellow flashes, repeating). Controller shows locked GPS and 8 satellites, so it’s not that.

Tried APM, both direct connection to the IRIS and the antenna. It won’t connect via either.

HELP!!! This is driving me insane.[/quote]

Okay, got it worked out: Tried a different computer and it was able to connect. From there I was able to get through the wizard and get everything calibrated. Man, this is seriously not a drone for novices.