TBS Tracer issues, Cube Orange+

Setting up a small development bird, x500 v2 with a Cube Orange + / ADS-B Carrier / TX16s running EdgeTx

I am trying to get a TBS Tracer Nano RX to setup fully but I am having issues…

I am connected to Telemetry 1, connections have been triple checked. Currently on the latest firmwares for both the TX/RX and Cube.

Serial protocol set too 23 / RC In
RC_output 228

The only way I can get any connection is to enable Half Duplex on the serial port.
Either way tho I get zero telemetry coming back from the Cube only the basics from the RX.

When half duplex is enabled I am able to arm / disarm the quad… just no telemetry. As soon as I take half duplex away my RC control is lost.