Hi, I’m using a cheap fc from aliexpress but it came preinstalled with betaflight and refuses to connect the mission planner, the com port is found but it can’t find a heart beat so I can’t flash the arduplane software, can anyone with experience help?
What kind of flight controller? Not all controllers will run Ardupilot.
Here’s the instructions for loading AP onto boards that don’t have it already:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007267376830.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.11.c99818020XGUgL the f7 here
F722 boards won’t run Ardupilot. You’ll need a different board.
Plenty to choose from: Choosing an Autopilot — Plane documentation
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would the f4 board from the same listing run ardupilot
Check the links I gave you. But honestly, I doubt it.
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