Switch From PWM to I-Bus - Cannot Do Radio Calibration

This is a follow up on my Tarot 650 Sport Upgrade - replacing my old APM with a Pixhawk 6C controller. I have completed the rebuild, flashed the firmware in the Pixhawk, and successfully completed the accel and compass calibrations

I’m using a FlySky Ia-10B receiver which supports the I-Bus protocol and I have plugged CH 1 (I-Bus) into the rc-In port on the controller, and the ESC control lines are plugged into the PWM In/PWM Out adapter:

But when I connect to Mission Planner and go the Radio Calibration page, None of the green bars appear in the display - it’s as if the controller is not getting anything from the receiver. I know that I’ve missed something - can anyone help me out?

Wiring sbus (or ibus) is not on ch1

Thanks for the reply! AS it turned out, I figured out my rookie mistake on my own. After posting, I went out for a bike ride - I tend to clear my brain while riding. It occurred to me that I misconnected the I-Bus leads and after some fiddling around I got it working and successfully completed the radio configuration. I can now arm the aircraft by throwing a switch which will be convenient. My Tarot is now completely rebuilt and I hope to run static tests this weekend.

Thanks all for your help and patience! I hope to finish with post reporting a successful test.


What’s that for?

The Pixhawk doesn’t have JST connectors to plug in the ESC control lines. This enables you to control the ESCs and up to four additional pwm channels. Mine came with two such adapters but I only need one as I’m using 8 channels.