Sudden lose of control? compass? gps? optflow? or sudden loss of power to the motor?

after changing flight controller (the same flight controller from pixhawk radiolink fmuv3 to pixhawk 1 (flashed with pixhawk 1 firmware, copter v4.3.7.), it starts to spun out when trying autonomous flight via mavros first, second flight relatively stable low flight to land with rc, and last spun out again via rc.

here are the latest documentations: log file, .param, and the flight video record (latest flight with pixhawk 1)

the initial suspicion were the flight controller so we change the flight controller, but encountered the same problem as the video shown

You have a configuration issue as well.

Use MethodicConfigurator/ at master · ArduPilot/MethodicConfigurator · GitHub to fix it.

Looks like thrust loss on motor 2:

You have a ton of CAN debug messages along with other error messages regarding optical flow and EKF. This Copter seems configured poorly and is running 2+ year old firmware. Update the firmware and follow @amilcarlucas’s advice.

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