Thanks for the links Graham. The log analyser failed on my actual flight logs, complaining of an UNKN entry.
Checking the log in Notepad I found pages of lines of the type “UNKN, 200” and “UNKN, 201” These appeared throughout the log. There were FMT, 200 and FMT, 201 messages at the start of the log though.
The log starts off with lots of FMT and PARM lines, then the UNKN entries start appearing. I’ve listed the first part of the log below with most of the UNKNs deleted. The log is some 48Mb so haven’t tried to attach it. I suspect the FMT 200 and 201 relate to the GPS but that the MP Analyser doesn’t recognise them?
PARM, MIS_TOTAL, 0.000000
MSG, ArduPlane V3.0.3 (8c5226a1)
MSG, PX4: 63b22a4a NuttX: 65cd7f85
MSG, PX4v2 00240027 34324708 38383538
STRT, 7, 0
MODE, 11678, Manual, 0
MSG, Failsafe - Short event on,
MODE, 11678, Circle, 1
MSG, flight mode = 1
FMT, 200, 12, UBX1, IBHBB, TimeMS,Instance,noisePerMS,jamInd,aPower
FMT, 201, 12, UBX2, IBbBbB, TimeMS,Instance,ofsI,magI,ofsQ,magQ
UNKN, 200
UNKN, 201
UNKN, 200
UNKN, 201
MSG, Failsafe - Long event on,
MSG, flight mode = 11
UNKN, 200
UNKN, 201
MSG, Failsafe - Long event on,
MSG, flight mode = 11
UNKN, 200
UNKN, 201
UNKN, 200
UNKN, 201
MSG, init home
MSG, gps alt: 63460
UNKN, 200
UNKN, 201
UNKN, 200
UNKN, 201
UNKN, 200
UNKN, 201
PARM, COMPASS_OFS_X, -56.30407
PARM, COMPASS_OFS_Y, -47.31398
PARM, COMPASS_OFS_Z, -124.6549
UNKN, 200
UNKN, 201
MSG, Initialising APM…
MSG, Initialising APM…
MSG, Initialising APM…
MSG, Initialising APM…
MSG, Initialising APM…
MSG, Initialising APM…
UNKN, 200
UNKN, 201
MSG, Beginning INS calibration; do not move plane
MSG, Initialising APM…
MSG, Initialising APM…
MSG, Calibrating barometer
MSG, barometer calibration complete
MSG, NO airspeed
UNKN, 200
UNKN, 201
UNKN, 200
UNKN, 201
MSG, Throttle armed!
ARM, 657060, 1, 0
ATT, 657063, 9.81, -0.86, 80.16, 0.15, 0.03
EKF1, 657063, 8.88, 0.71, 77.31, 0.057159, -0.111179, 0.020364, 1.277923, 1.001778, -0.032542, -0.01, 0.02, 0.00
EKF2, 657063, 50, 6, 253, 0.00, 0.00, 635, 239, 88, 56, 47, 124
EKF3, 657063, -0.01, -0.13, -0.04, -1.30, -1.13, -0.03, -157, 315, -629, 0.00
EKF4, 657063, 0.03, 0.34, 0.00, 1.03, 2.08, 4.19, 0.00, 1, 0, 0, 0
AHR2, 657063, 8.88, 0.71, 77.31, 633.5100, -39.3675656, 175.3290336
IMU, 657063, 0.002562, 0.002117, 0.000463, -0.006284, -1.653533, -9.699601
IMU2, 657063, -0.001402, 0.001014, -0.007165, -0.063317, -1.602304, -9.599995
ATT, 657082, 9.83, -0.84, 80.17, 0.15, 0.03
EKF1, 657083, 8.86, 0.68, 77.34, 0.076276, -0.095633, 0.020756, 1.309138, 1.029845, -0.031255, -0.01, 0.02, 0.00
EKF2, 657083, 50, 6, 253, 0.00, 0.00, 635, 239, 88, 56, 47, 124
EKF3, 657083, -0.01, -0.13, -0.04, -1.30, -1.13, -0.03, -157, 315, -623, 0.00
EKF4, 657083, 0.03, 0.34, 0.00, 1.03, 2.08, 4.15, 0.00, 1, 0, 0, 1
AHR2, 657083, 8.86, 0.68, 77.34, 633.5100, -39.3675653, 175.3290339
IMU, 657083, 0.000590, 0.002287, 0.000604, 0.000433, -1.683405, -9.696857
IMU2, 657083, -0.004928, -0.000951, -0.007007, -0.036966, -1.602806, -9.614245
UNKN, 200
UNKN, 201
ATT, 657102, 9.84, -0.83, 80.19, 0.15, 0.03
EKF1, 657102, 8.84, 0.65, 77.36, 0.094554, -0.080743, 0.020971, 1.339499, 1.056927, -0.029981, -0.01, 0.02, 0.00
EKF2, 657102, 50, 6, 253, 0.00, 0.00, 635, 239, 88, 56, 47, 124
EKF3, 657102, -0.01, -0.13, -0.04, -1.30, -1.13, -0.03, -157, 315, -623, 0.00