I wonder what is wrong with that 5” quad and it’s battery. I have as I remember 20A ESC so 80A is max. Maybe 2200 40C battery is little to less. I have 2204 2300kV motors and ESC 20A. Battery is 3S.
The quality of the battery is not good anymore.
At the beginning you have a voltage drop of 1,2V with 6A Current draw and at the end you have a voltage difference of 0,8V with a current draw of 6A. That is abnormal high. You need to try a new battery, I recommend CNHL batteries.
I agree with Harold @Harald . The battery sags ~1.5V with a 6A draw and down to 9.6V with a 12A draw. If all 3 batteries are that No Name brand perhaps they are junk.
Note: Not a bad job tuning but you have ESC RPM so should be using that to drive the Notch filter rather than throttle. Better yet, use the Bdshot version of firmware for motor RPM.
I set in MP for bdshot600. ESC are old Racerstar RS20A Blheli_S OPTO. As I remember but not sure. Could be better to upgrade to some blheli32 4in1 but for now I dont have any.