Strange Pixhawk startup sound since plane lost

Hello !

On my last flight I stucked my Skyhunter on the top of a 90ft tree… On a stupid badly configured failsafe. Managed to get it down 2 days later with a professional tree climber. It didn’t rain, the plane has no damage.
All seems to be working fine again but my Pixhawk is not making the same and classic starting sound it should be.

Instead of :

It makes a :

With the last BEEP repeated another time.

I don’t know why it’s doing that now.
Can’t seem to find this sound in the documentation.


EDIT : The SD Card format failed sound I found is the one I have, the guy that uploaded it just cut it too short. I format my SD card using Windows 7 and now, normal startup sound.

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You can try reset full parameters and start again (just try own risk).

Thanks for the reply,
I figured the SD Card format failed sound I found is the one I have, the guy that uploaded it just cut it too short. I format my SD card using Windows 7 and now, normal startup sound.