Status of “Point Camera Here” feature


I have a servo based gimbal on a fixed wing. Set up the angles and servo values as per the “Camer gimbal with servos” docs and I can control camera pan/tilt from the RC.

When I use Mission Planner to “Point camera here”, it rotates towards the “target”, and that’s it. It doesn’t adjust the camera position, there is no more manual control, trying to “point camera” to another location does nothing. In MP there are some commands such as “RC targeting”, “neutral”, “GPS targeting” etc. those do nothing.

We kindly need your help.

I was just stuck with the same problem…
and I finaly found the way to make it work !! :smiley:
you need to asign chanel 7 or 8 to “set mount” and do a quick flick of a switch to reset the gimbal :smile:
I will do a video soon on my chanel : (and yes I will do it in english)