SpeedyBeeF405wingmini RTL/ Loiter without function

I also have an RTL / Loiter problem that I can’t get past.
A GPS module with NMEA protocol is used here.
FLIGHT STABILIZE OK, GPS is OK and the position of the Glider is displayed.
In MODE RTL or Loiter, the Glider shows no reaction and just continues to fly straight ahead.

GPS Protocol Out 1-NMEA
Baudrate 115200
Message 01-12 NAV – VELNED
Message F0-00 NMEA GPGGA
Message F0-04 NMEA GPRMC
MPeriode 200ms

Question - Which NMEA protocols are required for evaluation for ARDUPILOT?

Can you share a .bin log of a flight when you tried RTL or Loiter? How does the plane fly in FBWA? How are you changing modes? Do you see the mode change on the HUD?

In the HUD I see the change: Manual - STABILIZE – RTL (or Loiter)
I could create a .bin protocol tomorrow.
I haven’t tested FBWA yet.

The screen shot is strange. There is a 20m/s airspeed, but 0m/s ground speed. That is a very windy day.

For the screenshot, the model was on the preparation table (airfield).
No wind sensor was used. Wind speed 1.7 m/s on the day

As far as I can see, the information from the NMEA protocols (GGA and RMC) is only evaluated for position detection.
A different NMEA protocol is probably used for flight direction (TRK) and flight speed, hence no RTL / Loiter function.
I just need to know which protocol is used to calculate for TRK and Speed?

I have no .bin log file - CD Card problem.