Spanish translation


Just joined the forum.
I’m a newbie in RC but have managed to build an APM based quad following the wiki instructions.
Not that I’m a genius…the documentation is actually great and I must have gone through it a hundred times :wink:

I write from Spain and am not aware of a spanish version of the wiki.
A lot of people here could benefit from such a translation and I thought this could be a nice way to pay back for all the fun I’ve had building the quad and getting it to fly.

So…where do I start?? Do I need to contact anyone in particular?

[quote=“Joshua Ott”]If there are any others who can offer some time into a translating effort, please coordinate here.
This is really important work, I don’t want to leave people out of all this robot fun, just because they don’t read English![/quote]

Please contact Alex Paskulin ( for further information. I will point her to this thread.


That would be fantastic. I would love to coordinate with you regarding getting some translations set up. Please email me at and we can get started. Looking forward to it!


Thanks StefanG and AlexP for your quick answer.
I’m really excited about the idea of having the APM wiki translated to spanish.

Alex…just sent you an email.