I’ve searched the forums and found several threads with similar issues but mine appears to be a little different. I just upgraded from 4.0.3 to 4.3.3 and Mission Planer from 1.3.73 to 1.3.79. I am using a Pixhawk 2 Orange with RFD900x’s. Previous to the upgrade I was having no issues with parameters loading into MP over the air, it would take about 30 seconds which I was fine with.
Now with the new firmware / MP it takes about two minutes over the air and about 5 secs over USB (USB is way faster than before). Of the two minutes it get held up initially for about 30sec on two different mavftp screens (one being “getting param mavftp 1-1 :@param/param.pck”).
Oddly if I use any version of QGC it only take about 30-40 seconds like before.
I found if I change the BRD_OPTIONS to disable MAVFTP, everything goes back to like it was in older versions of Mission Planner and it only takes about 30-40sec to load parameters. I feel like I am missing out on the newer and proper operation of the Mavlink2 protocol for faster parameter input though. How fast should I expect to load in parameters using RFD900’s?
Here are some of my parameters and notes:
-SERIAL1_PROTOCOL = MAVlink2 (Tried just Mavlink, no difference)
-RFD900x is powered externally by its own BEC
-RFD900x is on firmware 3.16 which from my understand supports MAVlink2
-Changing SR1_PARAMS has no effect
-I have tried disconnecting devices using other serial ports (OSD on Serial2), this had no effect.
-Tried different computers
-RFD900x settings can be found the photo below. I have tried changing every setting nothing seems to improve this issue.
Update the modems to latest firmware, currently 3.57
Probably use the RFD Tools for that process too.
Put mavftp back in place, then try changing BRD_SER1_RTSCTS,0 (assuming the RFD is on Telem1)
Ensure you use mavlink2, SERIAL1_PROTOCOL,2
If you do implement RTS/CTS then you could set BRD_SER1_RTSCTS,1 and select the RTS/CTS option on the radios. Of course the RTS/CTS wires have to be in place.
Set Tx Power to 27
This is still lower than maximum and gives good range
But you should be able to increase the baud rate a lot anyway.
Set these in the radios
It technically not required to change this, since the default value is “Auto” but I prefer to specifically set this to suit the radio and wiring in use to avoid any confusion.
Good plan.
Remember to change the SERIAL1_BAUD,115 and MissionPlanner Connect settings to suit the updated baud rate.