Hey all. Any idea what would cause slow oscillations? I got a good flight in, put a new pack in, and it started slowly rocking on the pitch and roll axis.
Here’s the LOG
This is a quad with 13" props and a 3kg AUW.
Hey all. Any idea what would cause slow oscillations? I got a good flight in, put a new pack in, and it started slowly rocking on the pitch and roll axis.
Here’s the LOG
This is a quad with 13" props and a 3kg AUW.
I see the problem, the aircraft is caught in trees
These look very low to me:
Maybe YAW too.
I’d probably go back to something like this and do some more manual adjustments:
Also I’m not certain that the rangefinder is or isnt causing any interference
The rangefinder is front-facing so it should be ok? Avoidance is set to 2 meters, and I’m not sure I even have it turned on right now.
As for the tune those numbers are from an autotune with an aggressiveness of 2.0. I’m running the dynamic notch as well with BLheli telem. I’ll try upping the numbers and see how it flies.
Yeah, I didn’t look into that rangefinder information much. I saw the Notch filters set up. I wonder if the Autotune went too far with agr 2.0
Seems possible. I’ll have a log with your recommended settings shortly
I would say so. That’s more appropriate for a mini quad. That could tune the Angle Pitch and Roll high and then have to drop the Rate PID’s because of it. Which is essentially what you suggested with the PID changes
You have some EFK lane switching and several ESC CRC errors in that log. I would think that if you have error detection errors on ESC data being used as reference for the dynamic notch filter there could be trouble. Just a guess though as I have not seen this before.
Well, the RPM data looks OK so maybe this error will not have an effect on the Notch filter.
Thanks for the feedback Dave. As for the agr 2.0 that was on Leonards’ suggestion.
As for the ESC CRC errors I’m pretty sure that’s because I have blheli debug on. I’d never seen them either till turning that on.
I tried the PIDs Shawn suggested and it’s definitely quite twitchy.
I wonder if the low numbers are also a result of the fact that this drivetrain is pretty powerful. The motors are 2816 600kv.
I suppose I would put Rate Roll/Pitch kP on a Tune pot and tweak it until the oscillation is gone (then set I equal) and then put Stab Roll/Pitch kP on the pot and see how high you can tune it (assuming you dropped them to 6.5) and maintain stability. But I like manual tuning.
That’s one downside of the herelink, no knobs for tuning.
You could use a 3 position switch if there is one. Not the greatest option as it will take longer but it could work.