TCIII, power seems to be ok now (used the pm)
btw: do I have to use the other side of the main power on the PM? could i connect my chartplotter/fishfinder combo to this?
But there are still some mysteries to the motor controll
When putting everything on the water it runs the engines for a few bursts, then it waits, and a few more burst, with the throttle on the RC controller in forward, same for backwards or when I turn one or more burst, then a little break.
Took the boat up, and tried to run it on a table.
it runs one motor, first little to the forward, then backwards then a longer burst forward, then a few small burs, then a longer burst backwards (with longer, I guess 2-3 sec, the short burst are 1 sec or less)
From the MP log
[quote]ArduRover v2.45 (5b1ac474)
ArduRover v2.45 (5b1ac474)
Warming up ADC…
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Initialising APM…
Ready to drive.
init home
Warming up ADC…
Warming up ADC…
Warming up ADC…
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
Warming up ADC…
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
Warming up ADC…
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
Warming up ADC…
Warming up ADC…
Warming up ADC…
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Initialising APM…
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Initialising APM…
Initialising APM…
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Initialising APM…
Initialising APM…
Initialising APM…
Ready to drive.
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Initialising APM…
Initialising APM…
Non-Nav command ID updated to #255
init home
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Initialising APM…
Initialising APM…
Initialising APM…
Initialising APM…
Non-Nav command ID updated to #255
init home
Non-Nav command ID updated to #255
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Initialising APM…
Initialising APM…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Initialising APM…
Ready to drive.
init home
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Initialising APM…
Ready to drive.
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Initialising APM…
Ready to drive.
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Initialising APM…
Ready to drive.
init home
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
Warming up ADC…
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Warming up ADC…
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Initialising APM…
Ready to drive.
init home
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
Warming up ADC…
Beginning INS calibration; do not move vehicle
<startup_ground> GROUND START
Initialising APM…
Ready to drive.
init home[/quote]
This boat will only travel very slowly, around 2-3 mph max, does this make any trouble for the system?