Sitl gps always shows rtk fixed

Hello everyone I am testing missions in sitl before implementing them on an actual drone, in actual drone we don’t have RTK setup so the drone moves arround the map when we plug it in even after keeping it turned on under open sky for long time still it continues to jump arround the map and when armed shows innacurate home position where it is armed how can I simulate the exact same problems in sitl, I tried playing arround with diffrent parameters listed SIM_GPS_ catagory any help would be appriciated

The behavior of your drone does not seem to be normal. To be precise, your GPS does not seem to be working properly or the reception conditions at your location are extremely poor.
I do not think that you can really simulate this malfunction in SITL.
It is more important to determine what is wrong with the real drone

thank you so much for replaying I am having similar issue mentioned in this post Drone on map area keeps moving around when drone is on ground and is very far from the drone's actual location I am currently using neo3 gps gps HDOP is 0.7 and sat count is 22 however still my drone GPS position is in accurate on the map it jumps arround in 3 to 4 meter radius circle, lets say on mission planner if the drone is showing on extreme end of the circle 3 meters away from the original position if I arm the drone and takeoff still the drone will fly completely fine with no issues but I wanted to simulate this behaviour in SITL for multi drone scenarios and swarm where GPS accuracy is must thank you !

As also mentioned in the other post the sat count and the HDOP is not giving the signal quality of your receiver.
So which GNSS systems you are using, all available or only one. If you are using all available 22 Stats can mean only 6 or less by each system and this would be poor.
The receiver is always only using the sats of one system at a time not all sats of all systems.
The receiver tries to select the best system but if all are poor it is switch between the sstems an this can cause the noticed behavior.