Single Here 4 issue along side of UM982

I am building an Tdrones frame that uses a Cube Orange+, a single Holybro UM982 for GPS yaw and a Here4 updated to the latest firmware. 4.5.7
When having only the UM982 active (and its compass as the primary and only fallback), everything works fine, my heading is perfect and even after compass calibration everything seems to be working fine.

As soon as i turn on my Here4 i have the following issues.

  • Even though i have the Here4 compass disabled it find a compass variation as a prearm.
  • If i enable the compass and calibrate it, it instantly shows my heading on the MP screen as 90degrees to the right from what its actually looking at.
  • Even when i disable the Here4 compass it still shows the wrong heading and i have to completely disable the CAN drivers and GPS2 type, reboot and all goes back to normal.
  • Last but not least i have seen the lights on the Here4 go from Green to yellow when i move the UAV by hand left or right, thus giving me an error and occasionally through all the tests i have seen that even if i disable the compass and i have a right heading the EKF stays red and even though i am seeing fix on both GPS units my EKF error does not clear.

In this log i enabled the Here4 and compass (did not calibrate again and tried to find what is the issue that give me this compass deviation error)

Yesterday i went out testing again and even though i flew with both GPS units ON, at some point i got the same issue.

Right after i got the Issue i disabled the Here4 and the CAN drivers and it all went back to normal.

Any ideas from the Ardupilot Mindhive team?