I’m running SITL on a Windows 10 machine using WSL2 with ubuntu distro. When I try to run: ./Tools/autotest/sim_vehicle.py -v ArduCopter --console --map
I get the following error:
SIM_VEHICLE: “mavproxy.py” “–out” “” “–master” “tcp:” “–sitl” “” “–map” “–console”
[Run MavProxy] An exception has occurred with command: ‘mavproxy.py --out --master tcp: --sitl --map --console’
[Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘mavproxy.py’
SIM_VEHICLE: Killing tasks
Any idea for what might be happening here?
Did you follow all of the instructions in the wiki?
I did, I’ve cloned ArduPilot with recursive submodules flag and installed the dependencies with ./Tools/environment_install/install-prereqs-ubuntu.sh. Today I tried installing VcXsrv XWindows but that did not help.
I don’t know why you would see a permissions error trying to run mavproxy.py…
Maybe check to see who’s the owner of that file and whether its permissions are set correctly.
I manage to solve the issue running VcXsrv and using VSCode terminal instead of Ubuntu WSL2 terminal. I think it’s related to VSCode auto-forwarding ports from wsl to windows. Thank you for the help!
Your problem and solution don’t really appear to be related.
However, if the issue really was X forwarding, ensure you’re using WSL2 and that it is updated (via wsl —update
in an elevated Powershell).
You no longer need Vcxsrv with WSL2. Windows 10/11 support X forwarding natively via WSLg.