Sending Command Long message with mavros on C++ ROS1

I want to make communication between companion computer (jetson xavier) and my flight controller (orange cube). I can received mavlink message without problem, calculate the checksum… But there is something strange when sending mav message.

Firstly, the payload is an array (or vector) of uint64_t. So all the bytes are inside and we need to decode this to have each useful byte distinctly. Why not just use a uint8_t array instead of ?

Secondly, i can successfully send an heartbeat message thought this code :

(i wrote the payload by hand to see each byte and to fully understand)

But when i’m doing the same thing with a command long, it is wrong :

  // Send a Command Long
  float param1 = 27, param2 = 500000, param3 = 0.0, param4 = 0.0, param5 = 0.0, param6 = 0.0, param7 = 0.0;
  uint8_t* array1 = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&param1);
  uint8_t* array2 = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&param2);
  uint8_t* array3 = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&param3);
  uint8_t* array4 = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&param4);
  uint8_t* array5 = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&param5);
  uint8_t* array6 = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&param6);
  uint8_t* array7 = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&param7);

  uint8_t arrayfinal_cmdlong[] ={array1[0], array1[1], array1[2], array1[3],  array2[0], array2[1], array2[2], array2[3],  array3[0], array3[1], array3[2], array3[3],  array4[0], array4[1], array4[2], array4[3],  array5[0], array5[1], array5[2], array5[3],  array6[0], array6[1], array6[2], array6[3],  array7[0], array7[1], array7[2], array7[3],  511&0xff, (511>>8)&0xff, 1, 1, 0};
  mavros_msgs::Mavlink msg = im.FillMavlinkMess(0xFD, 33, 0, 0, 0, 18, 191, 76, arrayfinal_cmdlong, 152);

i tried doing it byte by byte with array of uint64_t, or uint8_t but i don’t have any response from the FC.
I don’t understand why it is not working. If you have any idea thank you for your help.



You are not supposed to build the messages by hand, that is very error prone.


  1. Use pymavlink and python
  2. used pymavlink to generate C code and then link and call the generated C functions.
  3. Use mavros
  4. use ROS2

Thank you for your response @amilcarlucas.

I’m doing an intership and my boss asked me to do like this. I will purpose your idea.
Can you just quickly explain how i’m supposed to do with mavros ? Where to code ? I need to used topics mavlink/from and mavlink/to, but is there already some functions to send and receive mav message using mavros ?

2 problems :

  • on the page you just sent, there is no example for c++ code (and i’m asked to do everything in c++ in nodes, in ROS1 with mavros)
  • Most of the examples are command lines in the terminal or rqt command. But i just want to have one node which will receive and send mavlink message.

I updated the title now.