Script runs and Exceeding time limit


I am trying to integrate Bosch BME280 sensor to my plane (ArduPlane V4.4.0). The script runs for 3 seconds and this happens :

I saw a similar thread, but my code does try to restart itself (shown by exceeded time limit error). If I physically disconnect pixhawk4 and reconnect it again this exceeded time limit error appears again and again. the script runs “properly” for 3 seconds again only if I control+f and reboot pixhawk. maybe something related to memory?

here is my script, adapted from AQmon/lua_modules/bme280.lua at master · avaldebe/AQmon · GitHub

local sensor_addr = 0x76 --the sensor has two address; 0x76 and 0x77
local T,P,H={},{},{} --calib coefficient
local i2c_bus = i2c:get_device(3,sensor_addr) --get device handler, bus 3 = i2ca
function calib()

    local c 

    local function int16_t(uint,nbits)  --conversion is needed, see page 24
        -- first negative number
          -- uint8_t (unsigned char ): 2^7
          -- uint16_t(unsigned short): 2^15
          -- uint32_t(unsigned long ): 2^31
          local first_neg=({[8]=0x80,[16]=0x8000})[nbits or 16]
          return uint-(uint&first_neg)*2

    -- Function to convert a table of bytes to a string
    local function bytes_to_string(byte_table)
        local str = ""
        for i = 1, #byte_table do
        str = str .. string.char(byte_table[i])
        return str

    -- Read data and convert each table to a string
    local calib1 = bytes_to_string(i2c_bus:read_registers(0x88, 24))
    local calib2 = bytes_to_string(i2c_bus:read_registers(0xA1, 1))
    local calib3 = bytes_to_string(i2c_bus:read_registers(0xE1, 7))

    -- Concatenate the strings
    c = calib1 .. calib2 .. calib3

    --little modifications here and there to for lua version 5.3, in particular bit library to normal operators like & and >>
    T[1]=        c:byte( 1)+c:byte( 2)*256  -- 0x88,0x89; unsigned short
    T[2]=int16_t(c:byte( 3)+c:byte( 4)*256) -- 0x8A,0x8B; (signed) short
    T[3]=int16_t(c:byte( 5)+c:byte( 6)*256) -- 0x8C,0x8D; (signed) short
    P[1]=        c:byte( 7)+c:byte( 8)*256  -- 0x8E,0x8F; unsigned short
    P[2]=int16_t(c:byte( 9)+c:byte(10)*256) -- 0x90,0x91; (signed) short
    P[3]=int16_t(c:byte(11)+c:byte(12)*256) -- 0x92,0x93; (signed) short
    P[4]=int16_t(c:byte(13)+c:byte(14)*256) -- 0x94,0x95; (signed) short
    P[5]=int16_t(c:byte(15)+c:byte(16)*256) -- 0x96,0x97; (signed) short
    P[6]=int16_t(c:byte(17)+c:byte(18)*256) -- 0x98,0x99; (signed) short
    P[7]=int16_t(c:byte(19)+c:byte(20)*256) -- 0x9A,0x9B; (signed) short
    P[8]=int16_t(c:byte(21)+c:byte(22)*256) -- 0x9C,0x9D; (signed) short
    P[9]=int16_t(c:byte(23)+c:byte(24)*256) -- 0x9E,0x9F; (signed) short
    H[1]=        c:byte(25)                 -- 0xA1     ; unsigned char
    H[2]=int16_t(c:byte(26)+c:byte(27)*256) -- 0xE1,0xE2; (signed) short
    H[3]=        c:byte(28)                 -- 0xE3     ; unsigned char
    H[4]=(c:byte(30)&0x0F)          -- 0xE5[3:0],...
    H[4]=int16_t(H[4]+c:byte(29)*16)      --  ...,0xE4; (signed) short
    H[5]=(c:byte(30)>>4)           -- 0xE5[7:4],...
    H[5]=int16_t(H[5]+c:byte(31)*16)      --  ...,0xE6; (signed) short
    H[6]=int16_t(c:byte(32),8)              -- 0xE7     ; (signed) char


--supplementary function for 5.3 lua, arithmetic shift, shifting the bits and replacing the front bits with zeros
function arshift(value, shift)
    -- Check if the value is negative
    if value >= 0 then
        return value >> shift -- Logical right shift for non-negative values
        -- For negative values, replicate arithmetic shift
        return ((value >> shift) | (0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - shift)))

function read()

    --taking raw measurements
    local c = i2c_bus:read_registers(0xF7,8) -- REG_PRESSURE_MSB 0xF7 .. REG_HUMIDITY_LSB 0xFE
    local p,t,h                                 -- uncompensated
    p=c[1]*4096+c[2]*16+c[3]/16  --   pressure
    t=c[4]*4096+c[5]*16+c[6]/16  --   temperature
    h=c[7]* 256+c[8]                  --   humidity

    local v1,v2,v3,tfine

    v1 = t/8 - T[1]*2
    v2 = arshift(v1*T[2],11)
    v3 = ((v1/2)*(v1/2)>>12)
    tfine = v2 + arshift(v3*T[3],14)
    t = arshift(tfine*5 + 128,8)
    --[[ Pressure: Adapted from bme280_compensate_pressure_int32.
  Calculate actual pressure from uncompensated pressure.
  Returns the value in Pascal (Pa),
  and output value of "96386" equals 96386 Pa = 963.86 hPa. ]]
  v1 = tfine - 128000

  v2 = (math.floor((v1/8)*(v1/8))>>12)
  v3 = (v2*P[3]/8 + v1*P[2]>>20) + 32768
  v2 = (v2*P[6] + v1*P[5])/4 + (P[4]<<16)
  v1 = (v3*P[1]>>15)
  v3 = nil
  if v1==0 then -- p/0 will lua-panic
    p = nil
    p = (1048576 - p - (v2>>12))*3125
    if p*2>0 then -- avoid overflow (signed) int32
      p = p*2/v1
      p = p/v1*2
    v1 = (math.floor((p/8)*(p/8))>>13)
    v1 = arshift(v1*P[9],12)
    v2 = arshift(p*P[8],15)
    p = p + arshift(v1 + v2 + P[7],4)

--[[ Humidity: Adapted from bme280_compensate_humidity_int32.
  Calculte actual humidity from uncompensated humidity.
  Returns the value in 0.01 %rH.
  An output value of "4132.1" represents 41.321 %rH ]]
  v1 = tfine - 76800
  v2 = (v1*H[6]>>10)*((v1*H[3]>>11) + 32768)
  v1 = (h<<14) - (H[4]<<20) - H[5]*v1
  v2 =(v2>>10) + 2097152
  v1 = (v1 +16384>>15)*(v2*H[2] + 8192>>14)
  v2 = (v1>>15)
  v2 = (v2*v2>>7)
  v1 = v1 - (v2*H[1]>>4)
-- v1 between 0 and 100*2^22
  if v1 < 0 then
    h = 0                   --   0 %rH
  elseif v1 > 0x19000000 then
    h = 10000               -- 100 %rH
    h = (v1>>12)   -- Q22.10, ie 42313 means 42313/1024=41.321 %rH
    h = (h*25>>8)  -- 0.01 %, ie 4132.1 means 41.321 %rH
  gcs:send_text(0, "temp result : ".. t)
  gcs:send_text(0, "pressure result : ".. p)
  gcs:send_text(0, "humidity result : ".. h)
return read(), 1000

return read()

Thank you so so much!

You’re trying to do too much at once. Read the values and then return a callback to another function that does the arithmetic conversions. Then return a callback to the read function again after conversion. That should split the tasks and possibly avoid timing out.


Hello! Thank you so much for the answer! I tried doing as you say, and unfortunately it still happens. I tried cutting the script like so :

--taken mostly from

local sensor_addr = 0x76 --the sensor has two address; 0x76 and 0x77
local T,P,H={},{},{} --calib coefficient
local p,t,h 
local i2c_bus = i2c:get_device(3,sensor_addr) --get device handler, bus 3 = i2ca
local v1,v2,v3,tfine
local counter=0

function read()

    --taking raw measurements
    local c = i2c_bus:read_registers(0xF7,8) -- REG_PRESSURE_MSB 0xF7 .. REG_HUMIDITY_LSB 0xFE
    p=c[1]*4096+c[2]*16+c[3]/16       -- uncompensated pressure
    t=c[4]*4096+c[5]*16+c[6]/16       -- uncompensatedtemperature
    h=c[7]* 256+c[8]                  -- uncompensated humidity
    gcs:send_text(0, "temp result : ".. t)
    gcs:send_text(0, "pressure result : ".. p)
    gcs:send_text(0, "humidity result : ".. h)
    gcs:send_text(0, "counter : ".. counter)
    return read(), 1000

return read(),1000

and this still happend :

the curious thing is, with this script and the one before, the loops came so quick one after another. I was of the understanding that

return read(), 1000

means do the read() function every 1000 milsecs (1 sec), but everything came so quickly.

one thing of note though, the loop for this shorter script does happen more often, which is about 150 times. the previous one runs for only 31 times then the exceeding time thing happened.

You have a syntax error in your callback that is causing infinite recursion. Remove the parentheses in these lines, or you will simply immediately recurse back into the read function. Correct syntax:

return read, 1000

I missed that in my first review, and it’s almost certainly the root cause of all of your problems.


It is fixed!! Thank you so soo much !!! :grin: :grin: :grin: