Safe to turn off all vibration filters?

Having checked the logs with the online filter review tool, there is no obvious peaks that would benefit from a notch. Im also tempted to increase or remove the gyro filter.
Is this unusual to have vibrations like this? In this situation is it safe to turn off the gyro filter?

The quad is about 2.5kg with 14" props turning at about 3700RPM.

You will get tight tune then๐Ÿ˜ Just set gyro filter to some nice value that will give you enough filtering to remove noise.

Absolutely not. Unless you want to crash.


So what filters would you use? The worst prefilter vibe is -55db at 126Hz (blade passage). There are no significant peaks to target with a notch in hover. There will obviously be some vibe in forward flight which perhaps I should check.

VIBE X = 1
VIBE Y = 2.5
VIBE Z = 1

Change INS_GYRO_RATE to 2 at most. Your MCU will be struggling at 3 (8Mhz) and all bets are off.

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This copter is more of an endurance/cruiser so just had a quick cruising flight about 8m/s.
This does show a pre filter peak that i put a notch on, and its 2nd harmonic. Phase lag only -200. Probably that will do I guess.

@Vince_Hogg did you already change INS_GYRO_RATE to 2 ?

Drop BW to Freq/4 when use multi-source

Yes. Logging now 4k. Its a H7 so should be fine.

Is that advice written somewhere? Just tried it in the filter tool and it dosent knock the peak down very well.

Slight topic drift. Every craft I have had, copter, plane and VTOL have all had the Y vibe much worse than X&Z. Is that a common theme?
I have almost exclusively used the Matek H743. Perhaps its these FCs?
