my name is Adebayo Kehinde. I have been working on a fixwing project for a while now using mission planner which i have been performing auto takeoff and landing on it and recently i have been having some good and accurate landing,
But am still having issues on the auto takeoff which require the UAV to taxi and make use of the runway itself to takeoff without my guidance on the steering.
pleas i will really appreciate anyone can help or guide me how i can fix the steering to be able to follow points on the runway for a full autonomous takeoff.
Thanks for your reply Lupus The Canine i really appreciate.
yes i have try that multiple times and still getting same result that’s the UAV getting out of the runway in auto mode despite the steering damp control.
i will so much love it if you can tell me the exact type of H7 flight controller because am using a Pixhawk v6x flight controller which i thing is also an H7 flight controller if am not mistaking.
i look forward to get more info from for the success of the tax .
thanks in advance
AFAIK runway takeoff needs a reliable and consistent heading source as it uses heading hold during takeoff roll. I would recommend keeping magnetometer as far as practical from power wires and doing MagFit calibration to ensure best performance of compass. Moving baseline GPS for heading offers the best performance but requires two RTK capable receivers on board.
If you mean taxiing on separate taxiways to the runway, then you would have to do something yourself, e.g. with LUA, as @LupusTheCanine has already mentioned.
If the aircraft is not precise enough on the runway during take-off, have you activated and tuned ground steering ? Ground steering works for me even on a grass runway. Take-off and landing in FBWA, but without touching the rudder stick before take-off or after landing: Groundsteering
yes what i mean is that the steering is not precise enough on the runway during take-off.
like its not lucking the steering heading for full autonomous takeoff and landing, if there is a little drift on the runway during it will not get back to centralize itself on the runway which mostly lead to it getting out of the runway without taking off, and this is a gasoline fixwing.
i do not get any setting for this apert from the steering damp in ardupilot.
Unfortunately, ground steering can only hold the heading, but it works very well. If you haven’t tested it yet, I would activate it (GROUND_STEERING_ALT > 0) and try it out with FBWA and tune the parameters if necessary.