Ruby - digital radio link, video, telemetry, rc

For people who are interested in a digital system, based on Raspberry Pi, can check out Ruby, a system that can do live video, MAVLink, RC and arbitrary radio link, all in one package. You can read more and see the hardware setup and downloads here:

Ruby supports right out of the box:

  • Live view of the video feed; Supported resolutions: SD, 480p, 720p, 920p 1080p; 4:3, 16:9 or 21:9 aspect ratio; framerates: custom, 24,30,60 fps;
  • Bidirectional radio link for better video streaming quality;
  • Video Recording;
  • Long range radio link: the range of the radio link is (based on setup) between 2 km to 40km (maximum tested so far);
  • Real time control of the vehicle and telemetry data;
  • Low end to end latency of the video feed (as low as 80ms); Latency of telemetry and remote control is even lower, less than 10ms
  • Bind multiple models (just like a regular remote control) and switch between them, live;
  • Spectator mode: allows others to be just spectators, watching the live video feed.
  • Software update of the vehicles over the radio link;
  • Supports multiple RF bands: 2.4Ghz and 5.8Ghz (433Mhz, 868Mhz, 915Mhz coming soon);
  • Diversity receiver: supports multiple radio modules on the controller, for diversity receiving and better link quality;
  • Multiple OSD layouts;
  • Detailed info on link quality and video decoding stats;
  • Multiple camera profiles, live switching between them for different flight conditions;
  • Bidirectional telemetry and custom data feeds. For telemetry, MAVLink and LTM are supported, other protocols are still in progress;
  • A comprehensive list of settings and parameters, all can be changed on the fly using the OSD and menu;

Here is how the user interface and video display looks like on the controller:


Hallo, das sieht sehr interessant aus… Jetzt müsste man nur noch irgendwo einen Raspi Zero kaufen können :persevere: