RTL after landing in the middle of a mission

I just have a question RTL mode and Land mode. Say I start a mission in auto mode, and halfway between two way points I take back control of the copter, land it, and disarm it. If I rearm the copter and switch it to RTL mode, will it still come back to where it originally took off from? And the same question for if I switch into Land mode in the middle of the mission. Will it come back after Landing?

RTL will go yo the last place it armed on, so not to your first place.
you can save the first home position, then push it as new home after the second takeoff.

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Thank you, @Andre-K that’s what I was afraid of. How exactly would I go about doing that other thing you mentioned?

there are multiple ways, the most obvious would be to use Mavproxy or an GCS that can save and set a new home, based on your commands. you can also use a companion computer, onboard to make that independent of GCS connection, or , ultimately change the source code.

depending on whatever you need to have a mission already, you could assign a switch to save a WP when home, then fly, land, takeoff, climb to altitude and switch to AUTO to just fly home, (then land)