RTK GPS option InertialSense

Hello All,

I would like to use an InertialSense RUG-3-IMX-5-DUAL (IMU Module - Mini Calibrated Inertial Measurement Unit | Inertial Sense) to integrate into an autonomous boat running ardurover (with a blue robotics navigator flight controller)

If I connect this to a serial port on the raspberry pi and output NMEA sentences, will the autopilot recognize the NMEA streams even though its not on the list of GPS’s that work? (GPS/Compass (landing page) — Copter documentation)

In particular I would like GPS to come in obviously, and use the dual compasses for GPS Yaw.

Even better would be if I can get AHRS data coming in too, but that would be an added bonus.

Yes, you should get GPS data

It doesn’t look like ArduPilot supports GPS Yaw for that module.

Then it’ll require a custom External AHRS driver (External AHRS Systems — Copter documentation)


Thanks for the info.

Writing a custom AHRS driver is beyond what I would like to do.

Is there not a NMEA string that sends out GPS yaw that ardupilot can read?

Yes, the HDT and THS NMEA strings. The module you linked doesn’t appear to output those strings, though.

Did you find a list of supported NMEA sentences? I didn’t see one in any of the literature. It’d be almost shocking if it didn’t output one with heading in the message based on the cost and specs.


Thanks for all the replies. I have found this on the user manual:

I’ll send an email out, but so far, it doesn’t look like it does output any heading info!

Does the heading field in GPRMC sentences use GPS yaw?


RMC should provide true course based on GPS track while moving.

It looks like the proprietary PINS1 and PINS2 sentences provide fused data which could be used for heading/yaw. You’d need a custom driver to use it.