RPLidar shows no proximity flight data in Mission Planner

So I have a Pixhawk 2.1 Cube Black and I’m trying to use the RPLidar A2M8 on the craft for 360 degree obstacle avoidance. It’s connected via Serial 1 or well Telemetry 1 as suggested in the documentation but the Cube fails to initialise whenever the lidar is connected to the carrier board. Even powering it separately, connecting the device before/after initialisation isn’t working for some reason. I can’t understand why it keeps showing a blank radius around itself. I hope someone can help with this. Thanks in advance!


I have already saw other post related to proximity sensors and obstacle avoidance and it seems that the Cube Black do not have enough memory for it (I can be mistaken about). Do you have a Cube Orange to test it?

No, I only have one cube but I realised the problem was with the RTS and CTS lines and I’d forgotten to set the parameter to “0” to disable them. Now it’s working. Though, I’ll probably have to boot up with an extra BEC since the cube is not at all being able to initialise with it pulling 1.5A of current.

Nice man!

Yeah, it should be powered externaly.