I thank you for your help in the past, but I am still struggling could please the questions in my previous post
I can get gps fix on gps 1 and rtk on gps fix on gps 2 when I boot up outside and arm I get EFK variance even though I haven’t moved the rover at all. I have disabled the compass. Can’t find a solution.
last question
I have the two antennas 500mm apart when I turn them and the Pixhawk does not move,
the map does not show the rover icon turning, is this normal? But when antenna board board and Pixhawk locked together it turns, so it’s the compass is controlling the turn. I ask this because I have compass disabled.
Sorry to be a pain but I am almost there!
Follow my instructions above. They are clear, concise, and correct.
If you’re taking up the serial ports labeled Telem1 and 2 with GPS modules, then simply plug the radio into a port labeled GPS and set its protocol to 2. It’s that simple. However, consider using the ports labeled GPS for their intended purpose, as the ArduPilot firmware does attempt to smartly allocate DMA channels to achieve best performance with expected hardware.
I use a myriad of hardware for communications. The easiest to use is probably SiK radios like the ones I think you already have.
Wait 15 minutes with your vehicle outside, unmoving, and in clear view of the sky before reporting further issues.
If you have further issues, share a .bin log or parameter file.
Ok I followed all your suggestions and I have no alarms and rtk fix.
However for some reason it will not follow the waypoints. It makes an attempt but misses buy a couple of meters, and RTL does return but again around 2 meters out.
Other times it goes off in another direction.
If you have time to look I have included a link to screen shots, Bin and Parameter files.
Thank You
1 October
Tuning parameters are either at defaults or extremely near defaults, so we’d expect poor behavior due to lack of tuning. The steering control is so bad that the output might even be reversed (hard to tell).
Follow the guide, as I think I’ve linked before:
As a start (and only barely scraping the surface), try the following to get the speed controller to behave a little better:
If it’s not at least controllable in ACRO mode, you have no business driving in AUTO.
I have a result at last, still needs more tuning but pretty close now. I have learned a lot during this setting up.
Thank you for all your help and support.