Rolling/Glitch after 10 minutes of hovering with only two GPS Here2

Good day,

I am using firmware 3.6.12 - for pixhawk cube and two GPS Here2.

My two quadcopters are absolutely identical and have two GPS Here2 each and the same settings, after passing the mission for 4 km, it hangs for 10 minutes, an identical failure occurs, the similar to an incident with ESC cut off, I attach a photo and a log. At the time of the glitch, there are no messages about problems.

Need help solving the problem. thanks


link for logs:

Are you sure this is the right log?
In this log I see a very badly vibrating copter, with fw 4.0.2, in Israel, trying to takeoff, but due the vibrations it EKF goes haywire, causing all sort of errors.

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Yes friend, you’re right this is not the file I uploaded. I will update a little later to understand the problem, but changing the firmware to 3.6.10 solved this problem.

Hello, sorry for a lot of time, but a problem with my glitch left :frowning:
this a link.

Thank you for help.