I have a Talon plane. Its manual flight was satisfying but in fbwa mode the pilot claimed that plane could not change roll, it maintained its current bank angle. Also as you can see from log, there are differences between pitch and despitch values. I attached my log. Is this problem about stall_prevention patameter? Any idea?
Rotate your model nose up - you should see the elevators/elevons deflect down
Rotate your model nose down - you should see the elevators/elevons deflect up
Roll the model to the right - you should see the left aileron/elevon go up and the right aileron/elevon go down.
Roll the model to the left - you should see the left aileron/elevon go down and the right aileron/elevon go up.
Level the model - the control surfaces should be close to neutral. There will be a little bit of displacement, but any more than 10% of your maximum throw indicates that the autopilot has not been leveled or the radio calibration needs to be repeated.
Does this Talon use the single aileron servo with the torque tube to the two surfaces? If so, check that system for play. The graph below shows that the servo output is being driven (RCOU.C1), so there should be some reaction in the plane. So I’m wondering if there’s a mechanical issue here.