I am using an Omnibus F4 Pro and two RFD 900x radio modems I connected the 5v and the GND, as well as the tx1 and rx1. I changed serial port 1 in missionplanner to Mavlink (2), yet I cannot connect via Mavlink. The radios both show solid green and blinking red lights.The baud rates are 57 for both the serial port and for when I try to connect with it. I can connect via RFD tools as well. Please help!
Just checking, did you wire the radio Rx to the Omnibus Tx, and vice versa?
Thank you for responding, and yes. Pin 7 to Tx1 and pin 9 to Rx1. Also, when I use RFD Tools, I can only connect via com 7 (the com with the ftdi cable and radio), but not through com 6 (the com with the usb to the flight controller). Not sure if that’s expected or not. In missionplanner if I try to configure the SIK Radio it gives an issue with failing to enter command mode.
I rechecked, and in device manager the baud rate for com 7 was not set to 57600. I changed that, tried to connect to com 7 in missionplanner (baud rate set to 57600) but it still did not work.
I’m out of ideas. My SiK radio link works fine on my Matek board. (Except for RTS/CTS issues, but that’s a separate problem. )
I’m sorry, maybe it’s just too early in the morning for me. Would you mind posting a picture of your radios? I don’t ever recall seeing red LEDs on my RFD900x radios.
There is red LEDs that blink with data, but you usually can’t see them for the bright green link LEDs
the new firmware fixes RFDSiK V3.54 rfd900x.bin they now are the same brightness now you can see them
I’ll have to do the update just to see the LED. Probably doesn’t help that my radios are either deep in a fuselage or in a 3d printed case. Thanks for the clarification.