Request for Recommendation on Optimal Configuration


I would like to seek your advice regarding the hardware and OS selection for using PX4.

What would you recommend if we have no budget constraints? I am considering purchasing the Pixhawk 6 Pro and using a Jetson running Linux. Do you think this is the optimal choice?

What factors should I take into account? Currently, my primary consideration is ensuring the best compatibility.

Additionally, should I use Docker if I choose Linux? If so, could you please explain the benefits?

Thank you very much for your advice.

Best regards

Ask these guys:

This is the Ardupilot forum.

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Oh I am really sorry, I was confused. I am still thinking about using either Ardupilot and PX4.
Could I ask the same questions regarding using Ardupilot?

Also, could you recommend me which one would be better? What I want to implement is basic cruise control. And then if possible, taking off and landing.
Thank you very much for any advices in advance.
Best regards

This is the Ardupilot forum, so there is only one possible answer: Ardupilot is better.

Arduplane will do everything you’re looking for based on those requirements, and a lot more.