I’d like to get any dataflash logs people don’t mind sharing that have blocked airspeed sensors, particularly if it was bad enough to result in a crash. I’m looking at the management/detection of blocked airspeed sensors, but without more logs it’s hard to be confident in a lot of solutions I can push.
Any logs and information about the setup and what happened from the users perspective would be great.
Hey, not sure if this is helpful, but I had one today. (No crash, thankfully)
After seeing very poor flying performance, I found 2 issues:
The pitot tube ram-port was blocked
The (blocked) ram port was also vented (via a T-junction) to atmospheric pressure INSIDE the plane. This was a mistake, as I hoped the port’s static pressure would be also vented to atmospheric inside the plane… so I think you’ll see unintelligible noise from the airspeed sensor.
Let me know if you want more details? Thanks for all your work!