Reduction in endurance

I built a drone with tow of 30 kg with x9 plus motor as quadcopter with 40ah li ion 3c battery,but im getting only endurance of 20 mins that too after pushing to the minimum voltage of 33v ,what am i doing wrong in this ,and i can able to utilize only 18ah while flying , can someone pls explain , i have attached the log below

Try running your setup through and see what it says.

There’s a lot of variables. Props, motors, tuning, setup, altitude, temperature, etc. ecalc should help give you a base line of what’s reasonable to expect.

I noticed a few things. One is you have a torque split:

This means that motors 1&2 (spinning CCW) are working harder to keep the drone from yawing. This is a mechanical issue and suggests that motors are not all level. The problem can be with any of the motors so make sure they are all perfectly level with one another.

Vibration levels increase over the flight. Not sure why that is. Might be worth looking into. Make sure nothing is getting hot.

The battery did recover a lot, so perhaps the battery itself is not capable of the higher current levels being drawn. Temperature will affect this. And manufacturer’s C ratings are often optimistic at best.

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