Ready To Fly Copter

Hey guys!

I am new to the topic, so please excuse my basic questions.
For research I want to deal with the topic of quadrotors. As I am the first of my institute to do so it is my job to build up or to buy a quadrotor.

I would like to buy a ready to fly copter as I think I am missing a lot of experience at the moment that I would need to build one. Can you suggest me a model?

I need a system that I can put in operation very quickly. But it is also necessary that I can access the system at all levels (high level control and low level control). So e.g. I want to be able to change the attitude controllers to implement my own. The copter should also be able to be prepared for autonomous flight and it should support ROS.

edit: The frame should be between 20 and 25 cm in diagonal.

Do you have any suggestions or tips for me?

Thank you so much,

Have you looked at the Solo? Once you change the Flight Controller out to the “Green Cube” it supposedly runs Arducopter Master. not sure about ROS though…

Thank you for the tip. Unfortunately I need a frame between 20 and 25 cm. I want to work indoor in the beginning.

Check out the new SkyViper v2450GPS. Quite an interesting Arducopter based quad.