Hi, I’m trying to use the RCInput functions provided by HAL lib of Ardupilot. I use a Pixhawk 4 flight controller. When I compile and flash the RCInput example on the board, I can read the ouput from the serial monitor. But when I connect my RC controller, it crash. Same thing for the RCInputToOuput lib example, it crash when I turn on my RC controller. The receiver is connected to DSM/SBUS RC port. Everycode I upload work well while I the receiver is not connected or the RC controller is no turned on.
Do you have an idea of this bug please? Thank you for your reply and your help.
What is the good modification to do in this file to work with an FrSky ACCESS Taranis X9 Lite RC controller and a FrSky ARCHER RS Receiver? Thank you.
# Pixhawk4 does not have hw flow control on radios
# setup SERIAL4 for RCIN
All the parameters list are here: Complete Parameter List — Dev documentation
For the datasheet of the RC controller and receiver: