Has anyone tried to implement RCIN over a CAN interface? I am using the Matek AP_Periph CAN RC Input Adapter CAN-L4-RC, have flashed it with the proper firmware, and confirmed that I am getting the correct data being streamed with the RC Panel on DroneCAN GUI Tool, see image attached (bars move when I move the sticks). The issue I am having is I can’t get Mission Planner to reflect any of that data. The Radio Calibration tab is blank and I get the “RC not found” message no matter what parameters I try adjusting. Attached are the parameter files for the aircraft and the adapter node. I am losing my mind here trying to figure out why there is no communication between the aircraft and the adapter node.
aircraft_params.param (18.2 KB)

matek_rcin_adapternode_params.parm (984 Bytes)