I have a Pixhawk 6C Mini and a Frsky DJT with XM+ connected on Sbus/PPM and a 30ARC SWITCH on Ch5. The switch turns ON from the TX, but when I flip back the switch on the TX the RC SWITCH doesn’t turn OFF altough the PWM value drops to the OFF value (995). If I control the Ch5 from MP it turns the RC SWITCH ON and OFF as it should.
I don’t know exactly where to check the RC5in but in MP under Servo output I can see the values changing when I toggle the 2 position switch on the TX and also if I replace the PWM switch with a servo, the servo works.
If I put the TX switch to ON position, the rc switch turns on, but when I put the TX switch to OFF position, the rc switch doesn’t turn off.
If I restart the pixhawk with the tx switched OFF, the rc switch remains off after restart and if I restart the pixhawk with the TX switch ON, the rc switch turns on after restart.
If the servo-output is really going down than the problem might be on switch side. As I don’t know the switch do you have any detailed description ot link to this device.
How did you check that the output is really going down and is the output PWM on RC and ond MP command the same?
Maybe also a log file showing what happens on RC command as well as on MP command could be helpful
I have 2 switches and both work the same. What I did notice is when I plug the switch on Ch9 or 10 wich are spring dials not toggle switches, the rc switch turns off when I hold the dial to the off position.
I didn’t check, I deducted since a servo works well on the same channel. If I replace the rc switch with a servo, the servo works. When I toggle the TX switch to ON/OFF the servo reacts according to the TX switch.
I don’t know if helps, but when I toggle Ch5 from MP>Servo/Relay, the rc switch works well, it turns ON and OFF as I command.