Would like to ask if the rc override command not working? Because my vehicle is not getting the RC override. I was able to read the RC from a channel when the input is from the controller but when I use the RC override command, there’s nothing.
I’ve coincidentally just created a PR to add a page re RC Input to the MAVLink Interfaces section of our developer wiki
There are a few items on the page which may help figure out why the message is not being accepted. The page is focused on raw mavlink messages like those that would be sent from pymavlink rather than dronekit.
One guess it that the vehicle’s SYSID_MYGCS parameter does not match the system id sent in the dronekit message. This only matters though if the SYSID_ENFORCE parameter is set to 1.
Another possibility is that the message is being sent but AP is falling back to regular RC input after a couple of seconds. This is also mentioned on the new wiki page
It’s weird because There are two channels for the rover, channels 1 and 3.
There is no problem overriding the channel 1 as it was able to move the rover forward and backward, but when it comes to overriding channel 3, there is no movement.
During overriding, we can also see that the mission planner is able to capture the override command with the change in RC value seen in servo output and radio calibration in mission planner
Maybe the vehicle isn’t armed and the steering output (normally channel 1) is incorrectly connected to the frame’s ESC’s throttle input? Anyway, I suspect it’s some kind of configuration or even more likely a frame (aka hardware) issue. I don’t think it’s an AP software issue
I am looking into a variant of this. Using Java, not Python, but likely irrelevant.
What I experience is that override is consistently working. Be it with or without an RC radio also connected. But for one very significant exception:
It is never working when setting up the pixhawk with ELRS RC radio with mavlink provided by ELRS. Behavior is consistent a cross a range of rover firmware versions (can confirm this to be true from at least 4.2.3 to 4.6.3).
What I do get is some light twitching in my test setup steering servo while altering PWM for ch1. No response at all for ch3 throttle. Vehicle is armed, using stick runs motors. So not a problem with that.
For steering the observation seems similar to a scenario where radio consistently sends PWM of 1500 for ch1 (middle stick position, rover) and thereby ruining the override.
But somehow I believe this is not true as set servo commands for other channels works flawlessly for switches also configured on the same radio. Even when assigning a typical stick channel like channel 4 or 2 and combining it with a set servo from the GCS.
I hampered my test rig in the weekend and could not complete my testing to conclude if the radio is to blame - after adding a parallel telemetry ability on a separate serial port the pixhawk became unresponsive (idea is to test override with the ELRS radio turned on or off, to rule out if the radio is to blame). Will reflash and do such a test later.