RC Failsafe is working unexpectedly

I am testing RC failsafe with pixhawk6x FC , FS-i6 transmitter and FS-iA6B receiver. I have set the FS_THR_ENABLE and FS_THR_VALUE in mission planner. Now when I arm the fc in stabilize mode it immediately goes into Radio failsafe even though RC communication between transmitter and receiver is not broken and shows No Receiver found. The throttle channel data is still above the threshold set at the FS_THR_VALUE parameter. However, I still can see the channel data coming in radio calibration pane. Once it goes into failsafe even if I try to arm the vehicle it immediately gets disarmed. Disconnecting and rebooting does not fix the issue.

Can anyone help me fix the issue?


I remember that you had some trouble to set up our system at the last days, maybe this is still not correct.
How you test RC failsafe?
If on mission planner the message “No Receiver found” shows up it means what it says. Something is wrong with the input from RC-receiver.
For more detailed analysis you always have to show your LOG.bin files

Try setting FS_THR_VALUE lower, I think it’s got to be at least 30 lower than the calibrated minimum PWM. I usually have to set mine to 950 instead of the default 975.

Hi Juergen,
I could fix the previous issue. The reason for that issue was my connection was wrong witch the receiver which is fixed now.

This is a new issue and I will check the log file.

Thanks Shawn! I will try this.

Hi Shawn,
Even after doing the same as you said it goes into failsafe immediately when I set the FS_THR_ENABLE to 1 (RTL).

Set LOG_DISARMED,1 and reboot and try arming again.
Send a link to that .bin log file and we’ll be able to see what’s going on.
After set LOG_DISARMED,0

By the way, do you have the transmitter and receiver set up to do SBUS? (or whatever flysky calls it) That would be highly recommended.


Hi Shawn,
I got it fixed after uploading the firmware again. Thanks for the help!