Which of the three pads do I connect my GND of the battery? When I tested the connection with a multimeter, all of those three on the right seemed to be connected but none was connected to the “+ pad” of the battery (Is this because of an intern curcuit or that the multimeter couldn’t provide enough power to notice the connection?)
In principle each of the three can be used, they are electrically the same but best is follow @dkemxr link.
I think you tried to measure in continuity tester mode. In this case it is very normal that you don’t have any continuity between “+” pad and gnd. If you had measured continuity our board would probably defect.
The red wires of the ESC don’t need to be connected. The signal line is related to GND.
Yes, the green marked lines need to connected. The base module is only the power module for the stack
could you please check if this is right, So I can be sure I didn’t miss any information from this conversation regarding the connection between the FC and the GPS and telemetry:
You can’t tell anything from that view. Let’s be a bit resourceful here.
The connector photo here is from a google search “GHR 1.25mm”.
The pinout table is from a google search for “Pixhawk 6C pinout” which that GPS module plugs into.
Yes, the I2C is a multi device bus and not a point to point to connection like the serials. So all SCLs of all devices on the same bus needs to be connected together. And same with the SDAs