Radiolink SR05 (SU04) sonar rangfinder

Hi friends,
i’m a problem and ask your help.
I installed on my quad Arducopter 4.0.3 a rangefinder SR05 (or SU04) sonar whit i2c connection.
I need rangenfinder for forward obstacle avoidance.
This my setup:
I correctly see distance forward in radar proximity visualization on Mission Planner but no valors of distance obstacle is visible on Rangenfinder1…
If i setup PRX_TYPE —> 0 i see valors in radar proximity and Rangenfinder1…
Am I doing something wrong?

Thank’s to all friends @ppoirier @xfacta @smartdave @dkemxr

Good day, this small rangefinder cannot be used as proximity sensor., it can be use as altimeter and maybe terrain following but it’s really limited

hi @Dave84
I didn’t know it wasn’t usable.
In the instructions it is considered compatible with ardupilot as an obstacle sensor. But in fact it is the proximity functionality that creates the problem for me.
Thank you for your answer :slight_smile:

you can use it with ardupilot but not as a proximity sensor, you can use it as landing sensor or altimeter.
if you need proximity obstacle avoidance you can look for the teraranger evo hub and correlate sensors

OK @Dave84 very thank’s for your reply :slight_smile:

hallo sir , i am using **Radiolink pixhawk 2.4.8*like your pixhawk * i have some problem ,how can i fix it ,

“ My Radio link Pixhawk not loading the firmware,when i plug USB into the pixhawk USB not recognize the board , and my Safety Switch flashing 4 times ,FMU power solid green ,FMU B/E no collar . AND “IO power solid green. B/E orange ,IO ACT flashing blue” — ? What do I do? How do I arm it?
please help, which MP i can use ,

Hi friend,
is it the first firmware installation?

yes this is the firs time firmware installation, how can i fix it please help,

Please read this wiki:

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pix hawk

You must set everyone’s access rights to the shared file.
Google drive won’t let me download the file because I’m not authorized.
It’s log of your drone?

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