Radio Reciever setup

I recently purchased an X-XSR receiver that is very small.

Anyway I was checking to see what was support by Ardupilot just as check.

Even the first time setup did not mention any type of receiver needed to work with the Ardupilot controllers. I would think if someone was going to build using this software they would like to know what types of receiver are support before they get to far down the road.

Anyway it looks like Smart port or S Port is not support as a receiver type. Is this correct and will S Port be supported in the future?

I know that SBus is one of the outputs on this receiver so I can use that.

Please read the wiki carefully.:sweat_smile:

That’s exactly my point. Receivers should be a topic just like ESC’s and Motors are.

Being buried in with Pixhawk which is no longer available is old. There are many and soon to be many more flight controller that are supported and you may not have that type of flight controller.

Compatibility of the receiver has more to do with the firmware than it does the flight controller.


@iseries, you make a good point. I’ll see what I can do with some slight reorganization. It’s a bit of a challenge to keep the wiki as-is for current users while making it user-friendly to new users.

I assume you mean a R-XSR? If the FC will accept Sbus or PPM it will work. Ardupilot is configurable for 2 types of telemetry output to the Sport of the Rx.